Router Bits

17th century profile router bits enable restorers and reproducers of fine furniture to make traditional mouldings

17th Century Profile Bits

These router bits enable restorers and reproducers of fine furniture to make authentic mouldings similar to those found on traditional 17th century British furniture.

  • £93.26Base moulding bit 17-505
  • £62.13Ogee and bead bit 17-510
  • £51.36Double ogee bit 17-515
  • £46.57Thumbnail bit 17-520
  • £46.57Small moulding bit 17-525
  • £88.47Waist moulding bit 17-530
  • £62.13Ogee panel moulding bit 17-535
  • £54.95Ogee moulding bit 17-540
  • £54.95Double D bit 17-545
  • £93.26Surbase moulding bit 17-550
  • £93.26Big ogee bit 17-555

including VAT

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Bird's Mouth router bits

Bird's Mouth Bits

Bird's Mouth router bits for fast and accurate machining of strong polygonal boxes.

  • £54.9512 or 6 side bit 57-505
  • £54.958 side bit 57-506
  • £54.9516 side bit 57-507

including VAT

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Biscuit joining router bit set

Biscuit Joining Bits

A biscuit joining router bit set for making strong biscuit joints at size 0, 10 and 20.

  • £63.69Biscuit joining bit set 00-230
  • £63.69Biscuit joining bit set 00-235

including VAT

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Bowl and tray router bit with optional bearing

Bowl and Tray Bits

Bowl and tray router bits for routing bowls, trays, boxes or other items.

  • £42.32Bowl and tray bit 51-001
  • £46.57Bowl and tray bit 51-002
  • £59.07Bowl and tray bit 51-002B
  • £46.57Bowl and tray bit 51-501
  • £59.07Bowl and tray bit 51-501B
  • £47.77Bowl and tray bit 51-502
  • £60.27Bowl and tray bit 51-502B

including VAT

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Cut strong and beautiful box joints quickly and easily with this router bit

Box Joint Bits

Cut strong and beautiful box joints quickly and easily with this router bit.

  • £161.50Box joint bit 61-501

including VAT

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Chamfer and roundover router bits with a brass guide

Brass Pilot Bits

Chamfer and roundover router bits with a brass guide for sign making and routing in tight corners.

  • £39.39Chamfer bit with brass pilot 36-921
  • £35.79Chamfer bit with brass pilot 57-200
  • £29.81Roundover bit with brass pilot 38-001
  • £32.20Roundover bit with brass pilot 38-002
  • £33.40Roundover bit with brass pilot 38-003
  • £35.79Roundover bit with brass pilot 38-004

including VAT

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Bullnose router bit for milling stair treads or shelves

Bullnose Bits

Bullnose router bits for milling beaded edges with a single pass for beautiful stair treads, shelves or window sills.

  • £38.19Bullnose bit 54-502
  • £41.78Bullnose bit 54-503
  • £48.96Bullnose bit 54-504
  • £59.74Bullnose bit 54-507
  • £65.72Bullnose bit 54-509

including VAT

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Chamfer router bit for attractive, functional chamfers and bevels and multi-sided boxes

Chamfer Bits

Chamfer router bits for attractive, functional chamfers and bevels and multi-sided boxes.

  • £33.4025° chamfer bit 36-190
  • £40.5845° chamfer bit 36-420
  • £40.5845° chamfer bit 36-920
  • £95.6545° heavy duty chamfer bit 36-950
  • £44.1830° chamfer bit 57-501
  • £44.1822.5° chamfer bit 57-502
  • £42.9815° chamfer bit 57-503
  • £42.9811.25° chamfer bit 57-504

including VAT

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Create a stunning edge profile on tabletops and other wooden furniture with this Classical Bead router bit

Classical Bead Bits

This classical bead router bit combines a bullnose with an elegant teardrop profile to make a stunning effect on the edge of tabletops and other wooden furniture.

  • £66.92Classical bead bit 59-502

including VAT

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Chamfer router bit for attractive, functional chamfers and bevels and multi-sided boxes

Colonial Period Profile Bits

Profile router bits for making period furniture moulding, panel moulding waist mouldings and more.

  • £58.54Medium interior trim moulding bit 19-100
  • £58.54Small interior trim moulding bit 19-110
  • £98.05Baseboard end cap bit 19-120
  • £105.23Large furniture detail bit 19-130
  • £89.67Large rake moulding bit 19-140
  • £112.41Crown moulding cove bit 19-150
  • £70.51Board joint cover bit 19-160

including VAT

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Chamfer router bit for attractive, functional chamfers and bevels and multi-sided boxes

Cove Bits

Cove router bits make simple shapes that lend an elegant detail to almost any edge.

  • £38.19Cove bit 37-190
  • £40.58Cove bit 37-222
  • £40.58Cove bit 37-254
  • £41.78Cove bit 37-286
  • £38.19Cove bit 37-690
  • £40.58Cove bit 37-722
  • £41.78Cove bit 37-786
  • £42.98Cove bit 37-850
  • £51.36Cove bit 37-950
  • £62.13Cove bit 37-951

including VAT

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Make your own quality wooden crown mouldings on your router table with these elegant cove profiled router bits

Crown Moulding Bits

Make your own quality wooden crown mouldings on your router table with these elegant cove profiled router bits.

  • £60.94Crown moulding bit 56-602
  • £72.91Crown moulding bit 56-603
  • £96.85Crown moulding bit 56-604

including VAT

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Fit custom crown mouldings easily by trimming the edges to the correct angles with this router bit

Crown Moulding Edge Bits

Fit your custom crown mouldings easily using this router bit to cut the correct angles on the edges of your mouldings.

  • £95.65Crown moulding edge bit 56-520

including VAT

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Dado and planer router bits can clean out dadoes, rout signs, finish rough stock and even remove paint or varnish

Dado and Planer Bits

Dado and planer router bits can clean out dadoes, rout signs, finish rough stock and even remove paint or varnish.

  • £35.79Dado and planer bit 52-001
  • £48.29Dado and planer bit 52-001B
  • £46.57Dado and planer bit 52-501
  • £59.07Dado and planer bit 52-501B
  • £59.74Dado and planer bit 52-502
  • £59.74Dado and planer bit 52-503
  • £72.24Dado and planer bit 52-503B
  • £65.72Dado and planer bit 52-504
  • £78.22Dado and planer bit 52-504B
  • £143.54Mega dado and planer bit 52-506

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Use these dovetail router bits to create precise dovetail joints for drawers, boxes and furniture

Dovetail Bits (¼ inch shank)

Use these dovetail router bits to create precise dovetail joints for drawers, boxes and furniture.

  • £34.60Dovetail bit 18-064
  • £29.81Dovetail bit 18-080
  • £31Dovetail bit 18-081
  • £26.22Dovetail bit 18-096
  • £31Dovetail bit 18-097
  • £26.22Dovetail bit 18-128
  • £27.41Dovetail bit 18-129
  • £26.22Dovetail bit 18-130
  • £29.81Dovetail bit 18-131
  • £29.81Dovetail bit 18-132
  • £27.41Dovetail bit 18-134
  • £35.79Dovetail bit 18-158
  • £39.39Dovetail bit 18-190
  • £40.58Dovetail bit 18-191

including VAT

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Use these dovetail router bits to create precise dovetail joints for drawers, boxes and furniture

Dovetail Bits (½ inch shank)

Use these dovetail router bits to create precise dovetail joints for drawers, boxes and furniture.

  • £29.81Dovetail bit 18-564
  • £31Dovetail bit 18-580
  • £31Dovetail bit 18-596
  • £29.81Dovetail bit 18-628
  • £38.19Dovetail bit 18-658
  • £41.78Dovetail bit 18-674
  • £39.39Dovetail bit 18-690
  • £39.39Dovetail bit 18-691
  • £42.22Dovetail bit 18-706

including VAT

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Our drawer locking joint router bit produces strong, well-fitting joints for quality drawer construction

Drawer Locking Joint Bits

Our drawer locking joint router bit produces strong, well-fitting joints for quality drawer construction.

  • £54.95Drawer locking joint bit 55-512

including VAT

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Finish your plywood, particle board or MDF projects with a real hardwood edge banding

Edge Banding Bits

Finish your plywood, particle board or MDF projects with a solid wood edge banding.

  • £155.51V-edge set 61-505
  • £155.51Tongue and groove set 61-506

including VAT

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This edge beading router bit creates a whole range of interesting edge effects and traditional moulding designs

Edge Beading Bits

These edge beading router bits create a whole range of interesting edge effects and traditional moulding designs.

  • £41.78Edge beading bit 02-500
  • £45.37Edge beading bit 02-502
  • £47.77Edge beading bit 02-504

including VAT

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This full-bead router bit 39-001 can add decorative moulding profiles to wooden furniture

Full Bead Bits

These full-bead router bits add decorative moulding profiles to wooden furniture.

  • £42.98Full bead bit 39-001

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Extended tenon router bits to make longer tenons for rail and stile doormaking

Extended Tenon Bits

Extended tenon router bits to make longer tenons for rail and stile doormaking.

  • £54.95Extended tenon bit 91-522TC (Ogee)
  • £54.95Extended tenon bit 91-525TC (Shaker)

including VAT

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Produce perfect finger joints with this professional finger joint router bit

Finger Joint Bits

Produce perfect finger joints in a wide array of stock thickness with this professional finger joint router bit.

  • £161.50Finger joint bit 61-500

including VAT

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Add a continuous finger pull to drawers or cabinet doors

Finger Pull Bits

Add a continuous finger pull to drawers or cabinet doors.

  • £69.32Finger pull bit 55-601

including VAT

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Flush trim router bits are used to trim the edges of a veneer or thicker piece to an exact fit

Flush Trim Bits

Flush trim router bits are used to trim the edges of a veneer or thicker piece to an exact fit.

  • £25.02Flush trim bit 06-095
  • £25.02Flush trim bit 06-127
  • £25.02Flush trim bit 06-627
  • £28.61Flush trim bit 06-629
  • £47.77Flush trim bit 06-630
  • £47.77Flush trim bit 06-690
  • £44.18Flush trim bit 06-691

including VAT

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Solid carbide flush trim router bits for trimming laminate counter tops and shelves

Flush Trim Bits For Laminates

Solid carbide flush trim router bits for trimming laminate counter tops and shelves.

  • £17.84Flush trim laminate bit 06-134
  • £20.23Flush trim 7° bevel laminate bit 06-136

including VAT

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These flush and v-groove router bits trim face frames flush with cabinet sides and cut a decorative v-shaped groove to help hide the joint

Flush and V-Groove Bits

These flush and v-groove router bits trim face frames flush with cabinet sides and cut a decorative v-shaped groove to help hide the joint.

  • £37Flush and v-groove bit 53-001
  • £37Flush and v-groove bit 53-501

including VAT

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These large-diameter flush trim router bits use compression spiral cutting geometry to produce clean cuts in thick stock, figured hardwood or delicate veneers

Mega Flush Trim Bits

These large-diameter flush trim router bits use compression spiral cutting geometry to produce clean cuts in thick stock, figured hardwood or delicate veneers.

  • £71.71Mega Flush Trim bit 06-692
  • £97.84Mega Flush Trim bit 06-693
  • £126.78Mega Flush Trim bit 06-694
  • £191.43Mega Flush Trim bit 06-695

including VAT

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Frame profile router bits for custom wooden picture and mirror frames

Frame Making Bits

Cut beautiful profiles on your custom wooden picture frames and mirror frames with these frame profile router bits.

  • £54.95Frame making bit 56-515
  • £59.74Frame making bit 56-516
  • £59.74Frame making bit 56-517

including VAT

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Template cutting using our spiral flush trim router bits produces smooth, clean cuts

Spiral Flush Trim Bits

Template cutting using our spiral flush trim router bits produces smooth, clean cuts.

  • £120.75Downcut bit 85-920
  • £120.75Upcut bit 85-921

including VAT

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Flute and bead router bits

Flute and Bead Bits

A carefully matched flute and bead router bit set for milling slats for wooden canoes, curved planters and similar projects.

  • £117.20Flute and bead bit set 55-701

including VAT

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This reverse glue joint router bit makes fast, accurate glue-ups and strong joints to fabricate large panels for doors, cabinets or table tops

Glue Joint Bits

This reverse glue joint router bit makes fast, accurate glue-ups and strong joints to fabricate large panels for doors, cabinets or table tops.

  • £86.08Glue joint bit 55-501

including VAT

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Keyhole slot cutting router bit that cuts a wider slot beneath the surface

Keyhole Slot Bits

Cut a keyhole slot with a wider slot beneath the surface, for flush wall mounting pictures and other objects without wires.

  • £31Keyhole slot bit 50-001
  • £31Keyhole slot bit 50-501
  • £35.79Keyhole slot bit 50-504

including VAT

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These lettering router bits create custom bevelled letters for sign making

Lettering Bits

These lettering and point cutting router bits enable you to create custom letters for sign making.

  • £39.3960° lettering bit 49-501
  • £38.1920° point cutting bit 58-500
  • £50.6920° point cutting bit with bearing 58-500B

including VAT

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This floating lettering router bit undercuts letters to make signs that stand out

Floating Lettering Bits

This floating lettering router bit undercuts letters to make signs that stand out.

  • £23.82Floating lettering bit 05-000

including VAT

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Lapped mitre router bits designed to create strong self-aligning mitre joints in plywood and MDF

Lapped Mitre Bits

Lapped mitre router bits designed to create strong self-aligning mitre joints in plywood and MDF.

  • £155.51Lapped mitre bit set 55-505

including VAT

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These router bits produce strong and beautiful lock mitre joints for kitchen cabinetry, drawers, four-sided planters, boxes, picture frames and much more

Lock Mitre Bits

These router bits produce strong and beautiful lock mitre joints for kitchen cabinetry, drawers, four-sided planters, boxes, picture frames and much more.

  • £101.64Small lock mitre bit 55-502
  • £113.61Large lock mitre bit 55-503

including VAT

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Two-flute mortice and tenon router bits that deliver clean edges, flat bottoms and perfect shoulders on tenons

Mortice and Tenon Bits

Two-flute mortice and tenon router bits that deliver clean edges, flat bottoms and perfect shoulders on tenons.

  • £19.03Mortice and tenon bit 01-127
  • £31.53Mortice and tenon bit 01-127B
  • £19.03Mortice and tenon bit 01-128
  • £22.63Mortice and tenon bit 01-190
  • £35.13Mortice and tenon bit 01-190B
  • £22.63Mortice and tenon bit 01-627
  • £32.20Mortice and tenon bit 01-690
  • £44.70Mortice and tenon bit 01-690B
  • £29.81Mortice and tenon bit 01-817
  • £42.31Mortice and tenon bit 01-817B
  • £32.20Mortice and tenon bit 01-818
  • £44.70Mortice and tenon bit 01-818B

including VAT

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Cut dozens of classical profiles with our multi-profile router bits

Multiple Profile Bits

Cut dozens of classical profiles with our multi-profile router bits. Vary the cutter height, fence position and number of passes to produce an almost unlimited variety of shapes.

  • £77.70Classical moulding bit 56-501
  • £62.13Large moulding bit 55-901
  • £84.88Traditional moulding bit 55-902
  • £108.82Multiple profile bit 56-802

including VAT

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This very clever multi-radius router bit will give you the ability to switch back and forth among three popular radii without ever changing bits

Multi-Radius Bits

This very clever multi-radius router bit will give you the ability to switch back and forth among three popular radii without ever changing bits.

  • £52.56Multi-radius bit 07-500

including VAT

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Top quality Ogee router bits to suit just about any decorative need

Ogee Bits

Top quality Ogee router bits to suit just about any decorative need.

  • £45.37Roman ogee bit 40-850
  • £41.78Roman ogee bit 40-770
  • £46.57Double Roman ogee bit 41-785
  • £48.96Double Roman ogee bit 41-880
  • £46.57Classical ogee bit 44-787
  • £51.36Classical ogee bit 44-850
  • £47.77Ogee with fillet 46-825
  • £53.75Inverted ogee bit 59-564
  • £35.79Plunge ogee bit 48-590
  • £48.29Plunge ogee bit with bearing 48-590B

including VAT

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Ovolo router bits can cut simple roundovers and dramatic veins, decorate large panels or even plunge cut to produce eye-catching rosettes

Ovolo Bits

Ovolo router bits can cut simple roundovers and dramatic veins, decorate large panels or even plunge cut to produce eye-catching rosettes.

  • £35.79Ovolo bit 27-560
  • £48.29Ovolo bit 27-560B
  • £41.78Ovolo bit 27-595
  • £54.28Ovolo bit 27-595B
  • £47.77Ovolo bit 27-627
  • £60.27Ovolo bit 27-627B

including VAT

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The Queen Anne router bit mills the oval shape found on the edges of many pieces of fine furniture

Queen Anne Bits

The Queen Anne router bit mills the oval shape found on the edges of many pieces of fine furniture.

  • £41.78Queen Anne bit 10-500

including VAT

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These radius grooving router bits are great for custom sign making, veining, lettering and edge work

Radius Groove Bits

These radius grooving router bits are great for custom sign making, veining, lettering and edge work.

  • £35.79Radius groove bit 58-502
  • £48.29Radius groove bit with bearing 58-502B
  • £32.20Radius groove bit 58-504
  • £44.70Radius groove bit with bearing 58-504B

including VAT

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Rail and stile router bit sets for cabinet doors

Rail and Stile Bits

One- and two-piece router bit sets to make perfect-fitting rail and stile joints.

  • £144Cabinet bit set 91-501 (Ogee)
  • £144Cabinet bit set 91-502 (Standard)
  • £144Cabinet bit set 91-503 (Bevel and Radius)
  • £144Cabinet bit set 91-504 (Chamfer)
  • £144Cabinet bit set 91-505 (15° Shaker)
  • £148Cabinet bit set 91-506 (Art Deco)
  • £132Combination bit 91-521
  • £253Door making bit set 91-522 (Ogee)
  • £253Door making bit set 91-525 (15° Shaker)
  • £228Door making bit set 91-527 (Mission)
  • £98Mini rail and stile bit set 91-524

including VAT

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A range of horizontal raised panel profiles for your cabinet doors

Horizontal Raised Panel Bits

A range of horizontal raised panel profiles for your cabinet doors.

  • £132Ogee bit 90-501
  • £132Standard bit 90-502
  • £132Bevel and radius bit 90-503
  • £132Cove bit 90-504
  • £78.89Mini ogee bit 90-505
  • £13222.5° shaker bit 90-506
  • £140Art Deco bit 90-511

including VAT

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Vertical raised panel router bits create beautiful raised panel doors and drawer faces with speed and ease

Vertical Raised Panel Bits

Mill beautiful raised panel doors and drawer faces with speed and ease.

  • £78.89Ogee bit 90-601
  • £78.89Standard bit 90-602
  • £78.89Cove bit 90-604

including VAT

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These back cutter router bits rebate the back of raised door panels to keep the face flush with the rail and stile frame

Raised Panel Back Cutter Bits

These back cutter router bits cut a rebate (rabbet) in the back of raised door panels to keep the face flush with the rail and stile door frame.

  • £47.77Radius back cutter bit 09-501
  • £47.77Bevel back cutter bit 09-502

including VAT

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Horizontal raised panel bits with integrated back cutters for wooden doors

Raised Panel Bits with Back Cutter

Horizontal raised panel router bits with integrated back cutters for making wooden doors.

  • £144Ogee bit 90-507
  • £144Standard bit 90-508
  • £144Cove bit 90-509

including VAT

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Rebate (rabbet) router bits can cut strong rebated joints and inset cabinet faces and backs

Rebate Bits

These quality rebate (rabbet) router bits produce inset door and drawer faces, cut strong rebated joints, inset cabinet backs and more.

  • £41.78Rebate bit 35-350
  • £41.78Rebate bit 35-850
  • £63.33Rebate bit 35-851
  • £59.74Rebate bit 35-855

including VAT

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This stepped rebate router bit cuts a double-step on the back of picture and mirror frames for holding the glass and a backing piece

Stepped Rebate Bits

This innovative stepped rebate router bit cuts a double-step on the back of picture and mirror frames in a single pass for holding the glass and a backing piece.

  • £83.68Rebate bit 35-857

including VAT

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Roundnose router bits can give any surface a delicate cove or eye-catching vein

Round Nose Bits

Give any surface a special touch with a delicate cove or an eye-catching vein with our roundnose router bits.

  • £33.99Round nose bit 14-032
  • £33.99Round nose bit 14-064
  • £29.81Round nose bit 14-095
  • £26.22Round nose bit 14-127
  • £38.72Round nose bit with bearing 14-127B
  • £35.79Round nose bit 14-190
  • £48.29Round nose bit with bearing 14-190B
  • £29.81Round nose bit 14-564
  • £42.98Round nose bit 14-627
  • £48.87Round nose bit 14-690
  • £61.37Round nose bit with bearing 14-690B
  • £59.74Round nose bit 14-754

including VAT

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Our roundover and bearing router bits give you a smooth radius that is ideal for the edges of furniture and moulding

Roundover Bits

Our roundover and beading router bits give you a smooth radius that is ideal for the edges of furniture and moulding.

  • £33.40Roundover bit 38-160
  • £34.60Roundover bit 38-190
  • £35.79Roundover bit 38-222
  • £35.79Roundover bit 38-254
  • £37Roundover bit 38-285
  • £41.78Roundover bit 38-317
  • £35.79Roundover bit 38-754
  • £41.78Roundover bit 38-817
  • £47.77Roundover bit 38-880
  • £59.74Roundover bit 38-945
  • £60.94Roundover bit 38-990
  • £89.67Roundover bit 38-991
  • £104.03Roundover bit 38-992

including VAT

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Our three-wing slot cutter router bits allow you to cut a range of grooves, rebates or biscuit slots

Slot Cutter Bits

Our three-wing slot cutter router bits allow you to cut a range of grooves, rebates or biscuit slots.

  • £27.41Slot cutter 23-140
  • £27.41Slot cutter 23-1564
  • £27.41Slot cutter 23-180
  • £27.41Slot cutter 23-316
  • £27.41Slot cutter 23-532
  • £59.86Plywood slot cutter 23-PLY
  • £10.65Slot cutter arbour 24-064
  • £10.65Slot cutter arbour 24-127
  • £105.23Slot cutter bit set 61-503
  • £13.05Arbour for slot cutter set 24-128

including VAT

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Upcut spiral router bits plunge easily and produce smoother, cleaner cuts than straight router bits

Upcut Spiral Bits

Upcut spiral router bits plunge easily and produce smoother, cleaner cuts than straight router bits.

  • £34.19Upcut spiral bit 85-101
  • £31.09Upcut spiral bit 85-103
  • £31.09Upcut spiral bit 85-105
  • £31.09Upcut spiral bit 85-107
  • £35.70Upcut spiral bit 85-109
  • £35.70Upcut spiral bit 85-113
  • £105Upcut spiral bit 85-905
  • £105Upcut spiral bit 85-907
  • £102Upcut spiral bit 85-911
  • £110Upcut spiral bit 85-913
  • £110Upcut spiral bit 85-915

including VAT

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Downcut spiral router bits can be used for cutting grooves, dadoes and inlays leaving a clean top surface with minimal tearout

Downcut Spiral Bits

Downcut spiral router bits can be used for cutting grooves, dadoes and inlays leaving a clean top surface with minimal tearout.

  • £31.09Downcut spiral bit 85-102
  • £31.09Downcut spiral bit 85-104
  • £31.09Downcut spiral bit 85-106
  • £31.09Downcut spiral bit 85-108
  • £35.70Downcut spiral bit 85-110
  • £35.70Downcut spiral bit 85-114
  • £104.38Downcut spiral bit 85-906
  • £104.38Downcut spiral bit 85-908
  • £95.65Downcut spiral bit 85-910
  • £101.40Downcut spiral bit 85-912
  • £110.35Downcut spiral bit 85-914
  • £110.35Downcut spiral bit 85-916

including VAT

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Up and Down Spiral Bits

These compression (upcut and downcut) spiral router bits cut both top and bottom edges of a board cleanly.

  • £47.77Up and down spiral bit 85-119
  • £142.46Up and down spiral bit 85-919

including VAT

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Premium straight router bits for dados, rabbets, pattern cuts or virtually any application requiring a straight edge

Straight Bits (¼ inch shank)

Premium straight router bits for dados, rabbets, pattern cuts or virtually any application requiring a straight edge.

  • £36.755⁄32″ straight bit 11-040
  • £36.753⁄16″ straight bit 11-047
  • £36.75¼″ straight bit 11-064
  • £22.635⁄16″ straight bit 11-081
  • £21.66⅜″ straight bit 11-096
  • £23.8231⁄64″ straight bit 11-123
  • £3415⁄64″ straight bit 12-060
  • £33.401⁄16″ straight bit 11-132
  • £34¼″ straight bit 12-064
  • £34⅛″ straight bit 12-032
  • £22.63½″ straight bit 11-127
  • £23.829⁄16″ straight bit 11-142
  • £23.82⅝″ straight bit 11-158
  • £26.2223⁄32″ straight bit 11-182
  • £21.43¾″ straight bit 11-191
  • £27.411″ straight bit 11-254
  • £25½″ straight bit 12-127

including VAT

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Premium straight router bits for dados, rabbets, pattern cuts or virtually any application requiring a straight edge

Straight Bits (½ inch shank)

Premium straight router bits for dados, rabbets, pattern cuts or virtually any application requiring a straight edge.

  • £26.2231⁄64″ downshear straight bit 11-623
  • £23.82½″ straight bit 11-627
  • £25½″ straight bit 11-628
  • £26.2223⁄32″ downshear straight bit 11-682
  • £32.2015⁄64″ straight bit 11-560
  • £28.61¼″ straight bit 11-564
  • £21.43⅜″ straight bit 11-595
  • £26.22⅝″ straight bit 11-660
  • £26.22¾″ straight bit 11-690
  • £34.601″ downshear straight bit 11-754
  • £25⅜″ straight bit 12-595
  • £28.617⁄16″ straight bit 12-611
  • £28.61½″ downshear straight bit 12-627
  • £35.79½″ downshear straight bit 12-669
  • £41.78¾″ downshear straight bit 12-671
  • £31¾″ downshear straight bit 12-690

including VAT

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Straight router bits with a plunge point for making smooth flat-bottomed plunge entry cuts in the middle of your workpiece

Straight Bits with Plunge Point

Straight router bits with a plunge point so you can make smooth flat-bottomed plunge entry cuts in the middle of your workpiece.

  • £27.41⅜″ straight bit with plunge point 11-396
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  • £31¾″ straight bit with plunge point 11-790
  • £27.41½″ straight bit with plunge point 12-327
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These T-slot, channel and hinge router bits cut a T-shaped slot that is wider underneath to hold a bolt head, for custom wall hanging units

T-Slot Bits

These T-slot, channel and hinge router bits cut a T-shaped slot that is wider underneath to hold a bolt head, for custom wall hanging units.

  • £35.79T-slot bit 50-002

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Our table edge router bit will give a dining or coffee table a classically modern look

Table Edge Bit

Our table edge router bit cuts a smooth, well proportioned curve that will give a dining or coffee table a classically modern look.

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Our thumbnail router bit is great for making model log cabins, doll's houses and more

Thumbnail Bit

Our thumbnail router bit is great for making model log cabins, doll's houses and more.

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A matched pair of router bits for producing strong and simple tongue and groove joints

Tongue and Groove Bits

A matched pair of router bits for producing strong and simple tongue and groove joints.

  • £168Tongue and groove bit set 61-502

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A specially-engineered router bit set that makes wooden floor installation fast and easy

Tongue and Groove Flooring Bits

A specially-engineered router bit set that makes wooden floor installation fast and easy.

  • £180Tongue and groove flooring bit set 61-511

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Ultimate glass door router bit set for creating stunning glass cabinet doors

Ultimate Glass Door Making Sets

Create stunning glass cabinet doors with profiles to match solid-wood doors made with our rail and stile router bit sets.

  • £228Ogee glass door set 91-526.1
  • £228Standard glass door set 91-526.2
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Cut tongue and groove joints with a decorative v-groove along one side of the joint with this matched pair of router bits

V-Tongue and Groove Bits

Cut tongue and groove joints with a decorative v-groove along one side of the joint with this matched pair of router bits.

  • £156V-tongue and groove bit set 61-504

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Infinity v-groove router bits cut clean sharp sign lettering or decorative veins

V-Groove Bits

These 60° and 90° v-groove router bits are great for making sign lettering, decorative veins or even chamfered edges.

  • £29.8190° v-groove bit 15-127
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Our window sash router bit set makes elegant and strong sash parts and perfectly-matched rail and stile parts

Window Sash Bits

Our two-piece window sash router bit sets make elegant and strong sash parts and perfectly-matched rail and stile parts.

  • £157Window sash bit set 55-801
  • £157Window sash bit set 55-802

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