Product Description
This mega-rebate router bit set is a fast and accurate way to produce inset door and drawer faces, cut strong rebated joints, inset the backs of cabinets and much more. It can cut a full ¾″ deep rebate (rabbet) plus 16 other useful cuts including flush trim.
The rebate router bit features a 1″ tall carbide cutting edge and comes mounted with a ½″ diameter bearing that makes a full ¾″ deep rebate. The set also includes 16 other special bearings that allow you to make cuts from 1⁄16″ to ¾″ and metric cuts from 6 mm to 18 mm as well as flush trim.
Each bearing sleeve is CNC machined from high quality aluminium for ultimate precision. Each sleeve is laser engraved with its diameter and fitted with a high-quality bearing that can be replaced if necessary. Thanks to it's aggressive shear angle, the router bit will deliver a glass-smooth finish on your workpiece. The bit has premium carbide tips for multiple resharpening.
The set comes in a custom wooden case.